COVID-19 Resources

This page provides information about resources for Portage County businesses and residents affected by COVID-19. This is a rapidly evolving situation and we will update this page as new information becomes available.

For additional assistance please contact PDB President, Brad Ehrhart, at [email protected].

State Resources

Ohio Dept. of Health

Responsible RestartOhio

Ohio Dept. of Jobs & Family Services- Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Governor DeWine- get the latest updates from the Governors Office

OSHA COVID-19 Standards

Ohio Manufacturing Alliance to Fight COVID-19

Social Services Assistance

  • Enhanced Unemployment Aid for Ohioans: The Governor has issued an executive order, which will grant the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) with the authority to accept and grant requests for unemployment compensation suspending the normal 1-week waiting period. This order will also give relief to applicants who are not offered paid leave through their job, as well as those who have been quarantined by a medical professional, their employer, or whose employers must temporarily close. Those who apply for unemployment under these circumstances will be exempt from the requirement that they be actively seeking work.For more information, please go to or

State-Level Business Assistance

  • SharedWork Ohio: SharedWork Ohio is an alternative to layoffs for employers. It allows workers to remain employed and employers to retain their staff during times of reduced business activity. Under a SharedWork Ohio plan, employers reduce hours to avert a layoff. The participating employee works the reduced hours, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services provides an unemployment insurance benefit proportionate to their reduced hours.
  • Support for Small Businesses & Non-Profit Organizations: Thanks to a concerted effort by our partners throughout the state, Ohio small business can now apply for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL).This program provides low-interest loans up to $2 million in order to help businesses overcome the temporary loss of revenue during the state of emergency.Non-profit organizations in Ohio will also be eligible for low-interest loans through the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. Businesses impacted by the current public health crisis can contact[email protected] for more information. Additional details about the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program is available at
  • Small Business Relief Office Website: The Office of Small Business Relief (OSBR) is focused on identifying and providing direct support to the state’s nearly 950,000 small businesses to help during the current public health crisis and to position them for a strong rebound. Click here. 
  • Ohio TechCred: Ohio’s TechCred Program gives employers the chance to upskill current and future employees in today’s tech-infused economy. Employers who submit successful applications will be reimbursed up to $2,000 per credential when current or prospective employees complete eligible technology-focused credentials.Click here

Federal Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

US SBA Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources

US Department of Labor

SBA Lender Match

Business Relief Assistance

  • Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans- The program would provide cash-flow assistance through 100 percent federally guaranteed loans to employers who maintain their payroll during this emergency. If employers maintain their payroll, the loans would be forgiven, which would help workers remain employed, as well as help affected small businesses and our economy snap-back quicker after the crisis.
  • Small Business Debt Relief Program- This program will provide immediate relief to small businesses with non-disaster SBA loans, in particular 7(a), 504, and microloans. Under it, SBA will cover all loan payments on these SBA loans, including principal, interest, and fees, for six months.
  • Counseling & Training- If you, like many small business owners, need a business counselor to help guide you through this uncertain time, you can turn to your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Women’s Business Center (WBC), or SCORE mentorship chapter. These resource partners, and the associations that represent them, will receive additional funds to expand their reach and better support small business owners with counseling and up-to-date information regarding COVID-19.
  • Government Contracting- If you are a government contractor, there are a number of ways that Congress has provided relief and protection for your business. Agencies will be able to modify terms and conditions of a contract and to reimburse contractors at a billing rate of up to 40 hours per week of any paid leave, including sick leave.

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