A Robust Labor Market
Up-to-date Portage Labor Market Information
NOTE: Beginning October 2002, all Covered Employment and Wages publications are based on the new North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). All previous publications were based on the former Standard Industry Classification (SIC) system. Because of industry code changes between years, there may be substantial employment and wage shifts among industries.
Use the links to view approximate workforce and population data within a 25 and 40-mile radius of communities with available industrial sites and buildings in Portage County.
Available in PDF format.
Aurora LMI
Brimfield LMI
Garrettsville LMI
Hiram LMI
Kent LMI
Ravenna LMI
Rootstown LMI
Shalersville LMI
Streetsboro LMI
Tallmadge LMI
County-wide LMI
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